It's essential when you are selecting your contacts for marketing that the details you hold are correct and up to date, it won't look very professional if you end up sending an email or letter to an out of date contact or wrong address. To check my contacts I used a combination of web search for the company and LinkedIn for the person. Results were very interesting, most of the information I had was correct apart from a couple of address changes or company websites that re-directed to a 403 error or this page no longer exists. At least now with the information I have I will be fairly confident in ensuring that the right message gets to the right person.
In conclusion, it's worth checking and keeping your database up to date and check the following information to make sure it's correct:
- Name - is the person still at the company? If not is there an up to date contact on the website, otherwise it might be worth calling to find out.
- Address - has the business moved?
- Website - is the business still trading?
If you don't have a database why not take a free trial of ConvallisCRM our customer relationship management solution available as either a desktop or cloud solution?